Home • Candler Park
Candler Park
Candler Park is a neighborhood in intown Atlanta, in zip code 30307, about 5 minutes east of downtown and just south of Ponce De Leon Avenue. This National Register of Historic Places neighborhood is one of Atlanta’s first suburbs and was founded as Edgewood in 1890.
The neighborhood is home to many talented people, great shops, bars, and everything eclectic. It’s a family-friendly neighborhood with a focus on walkability and livability.
The Candler Park Neighborhood Organization (CPNO) exists to support the neighborhoods interests, and has been around since 1971.
Candler Park Neighborhood Organization puts on an annual festival in Candler Park known as Fall Fest. This is popular festival attended by 10,000 people, and includes a great band line-up, artists’ market, children’s activities, 5K road race, tour of homes, and more. Fall Fest is the most recent in a long tradition of Candler Park festivals.
Candler Park has a rich and interesting past. Read about CPNO’s history here.
Candler Park has undergone many changes over the past century, and aspects of its history have been forgotten along the way. Thanks to recent research by the Early Edgewood-Candler Park BiRacial History Project, we can now add another dimension to the Candler Park of decades past: including the rich history of its African American working class neighborhood, and probing local racial dynamics of the 100+ years since the neighborhood was founded.

Atlanta Turtle Group

Keller Williams Metro Atlanta
315 W Ponce De Leon Ave, Suite 100
Decatur GA 30030